Started out to be a "home alone" Memorial Day weekend, it turned out to be a most unusual, fun celebration.
Elaine and family were scheduled to go to Bear Lake, Nelson and family had special activities planned, I-Shuan and family were in Oregon, Cami and the kids went to Wyoming to attend a farewell, and to the Wilson's, and Kong was up north working during semester break. So we thought we were going to be all by ourselves. Elwin called up his cousin Roger to invite him to our homecoming speeches on Sunday. They moved to St. George after living in Cedar City for over 40 years. He and Gaylyn were planning on coming, but they wanted to go to Delta to lay flowers on Saturday. We decided to go with them.
We picked up Roger and Gaylyn at 9:30 on Saturday, 5/26. We took Hwy 130 N (Minersville Hwy) after Cedar City, went through Enoch, Minersville, then Hwy 21 N to Milford. From Milford we took Hwy 257 N to Deseret. Gaylyn's parents, the Croppers, and Elwin's Uncle Verd and Aunt Faye were from there. So we stopped at the cemetery and laid flowers at the grave-site. While we were there, Cindy and Ralph, Roger's sister and brother-in-law drove down from Mapleton, Utah. Was this a coincidence? Probably not, but it wasn't planned either. From there, we drove to Hinckley where Elwin's parents, grand-parents and great grandparents, uncles and aunts were buried. We have also reserved 2 lots for us at the Hinckley cemetery next to Elwin's parents.
After laying flowers, we went in to Delta to have lunch. At the Delta park, we ran into Dennis and Linda, Roger's brother and sister-in-law. Was this another coincidence? We haven't seen them for a long time and what a great impromptu reunion. We were so happy to see one another. We went to Leo's Burgers, the old stomping ground to have the yummy burgers and milkshakes. What a special Memorial day weekend that was!
Elwin Davis @Lovenia Hutchinson Davis' grave-site |
Shirley/Elwin Davis @Rulon/Ruby Davis' grave-site |
Gaylyn, Roger, Elwin Davis @Hinckley Cemetery |
Front row: Ralph Christensen, Roger/Gaylyn Davis Linda/Dennis Davis, Cindy Davis Christensen and her 2 grandsons, Shirley/Elwin Davis |
Roger/Gaylyn Davis @Delta Cemetery |