Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Luncheon

President and Sister Aki treated all the temple staff to a wonderful lunch buffet at the Quan Dong Restaurant.  It was so interesting to see what kind of foods they had there.  About every 30 minutes or so, the waitress would bring in a big platter of salmon fillets.  People would crowd around and fill up their plates.  This is raw sashimi.  I hope no one gets sick from eating so much raw fish.  There was a grill station, but the lady would not grill my salmon because, as she said, it was only for beef and pork grills.  Nice try, Sister Davis!

It was fun to get to know the people you work with each day at a relaxed atmosphere.



  1. Marc and Kim were excited to have some sashimi eating buddies, but were disappointed to find out we're only good with some sushi. What a fun dinner to have everyone there.

  2. Yum! Peter's been wanting to eat seaweed at about every meal. He eats more seaweed than he does rice!
