It's just been a week after Elwin's angioplasty, but he was ready to go back to work. With the weekend, and p-day, he actually only missed Wednesday and Thursday, and was back to work on Friday, April 15. We went in the morning as I have been going in the morning while he was convalescing at home. I think he got bored at home. After working two days, Elwin feels fine and we have the weekend for him to rest up too. He has been greatly blessed. We are grateful for all of you who have been praying for us. Thank you, thank you!
This has been a special week at the temple too as we welcomed the members from Mongolia. They came in a big group and mostly of them took the train for over 70 hours to come to be at the temple. We are very touched by their faithfulness. They are humble people, young and old. Three young couples came to be married in the temple because they have set their goals to be married for time and for eternity. We enjoyed getting to know them and work with them. Here is a picture of the group.
How do these people get here (transportation-wise)? Are they being married or just sealed?